Charges Posting:
PAMI believe that spending time on charges is critical and must be done using specific steps and matrixes. We spend more time on the front end to ensure all required fields are filled with correct data and each procedure is presented with a payable diagnosis
During the scrubbing process we use two different mehtods to ensure no errors slip past us. First we have a department that manually look at all claims then we use a system to fake the transmission of the claims and we fix all irregularities. By doing so we are ensuring payments on time for 95% of all claims we transmit
Electronic transmission for all primary and secondary claims:
PAMI implements the latest regulations and trends offered by the industry to ensure timely filling of all claims. A deparment of dedicated employees is entrusted with the job of always reviewing our transmition files looking for trends to improve it resulting in lower rejection rates therefore increasing your income. PAMI will send paper claims where electronic claims are not accepted
Recieving ERA and post all payments:
Electronic remittance advice or ERA, are recieved and payments are posted to each account. By adding this advanced feature, PAMI assures that payments are posted to the correct patient and date of service. Also, each date of service will show the ERA attached to it adding transparency to all accounts and dates of services
Review all over due claims:
PAMI will review all claims beyond payment days, and sent corrected claims to be adjudicated for payments. Our software allows us to have electronic trails in case of a proof of timely filling is needed